Katy Ann Fox - Wyoming Women to Watch
Katy Ann Fox grew up in Grangeville, a north-central Idaho town with a population of 3500. After high school, Fox majored in Business Economics with a minor in Art at the University of Idaho, graduating in 2009. Fox then moved to San Francisco to pursue her art practice, earning a Master’s in Fine Art at the Academy of Art University in 2012. In San Francisco, Fox grew deeply inspired by painter Edward Payne and classic oil painting. After graduation, Fox looked to move to a place in the west where she could find a stronger connection to the land, with wide open spaces that hold nature’s traces left behind. She moved to Jackson Hole, WY that year, where for over a decade she continues to impact, and be impacted, by the community.
In Katy Ann Fox’s work we see attention andreverence given to places and spaces otherwiseoverlooked. Her paintings often contain imageryof weathered buildings, cracked concretegrounds, or electrical boxes, all metaphors for themany quiet places and objects that connect usand hold community together. In her work, shedepicts optimism, modesty, respect, andharmony through a deep understanding of oilpainting, color harmony, composition, andtexture. The artist is a continuous explorer,delving into other mediums such as printmaking,pottery, and textile.
Fox has been the recipient of numerous awardsand recognitions, including Artist of the Year in2015 at the Art Association of Jackson Hole, artistin residence in Goldfield, NV, a vast desert ghosttown, selected for a permanent mural indowntown Jackson Hole by Jackson Hole PublicArt, and a featured artist in an exhibitioncommemorating women’s su_rage at the JacksonHole Historical Society. Her work has appearedon the Jackson Hole Still Works Great Grey Ginlabel, which is sold nationwide. In 2022 the artistopened a gallery and studio in Driggs, Idaho,where she exhibits her work, as well as artistswhom she is inspired by.